The learning packages aim to provide content to the various steps foreseen in the REHAC methodology. Two learning packages were developed, one facilitating a better understanding of language and cultural norms of the host country and the other as an introductory course on competences and career orientation from the view of entering the labour market. The learning packages are developed in such a way that they facilitate learning and acquiring competences through historical topics, art and cultural learning for participants who are refugees and can also be adjusted to other vulnerable groups with trauma and difficulty in communication. The REHAC methodology is founded on the Learner Centred Method which allows the individual differences in learners and enables them to draw from their own personal history and from their own life experiences.

Therefore the learning activities included in both Learning Packages were developed with the aim to take into account all these individual differences as learning material itself to build something new, to acquire new competences such as language learning and job seeking skills. The learning activities are making learning active, collaborative, cooperative, inquiry based, problem and team based and it’s implemented in small groups. They offer rich and inspiring learning environment where the refugee learners benefit from their own culture and the culture of the hosting country with a great European cultural dimension which also has a great potential to link the learners to the community and offer them a wide range of other Lifelong Learning competences.

Both Learning packages and each learning activity are organised on the same manner. Each activity provides for the educator information consisting of the name of the activity, the learning objectives of the activity, duration, special requirements if needed, description of the activity, methodology used, results to be achieved and the evaluation of the activity.
Both Learning packages are organized also by the level of language proficiency of the refugee learners: low language skills, beginner, intermediate, proficient speaker. Finally, a set of learning activities is prepared as “teasers” and as models about how the learners themselves should start collecting information from memories and experiences, to construct their “stories”. The educators will have received the relevant instructions (included in the Learning packages) about how to transform stories to learning experiences with the desired educational output.

Please access the REHAC Learning Packages in English.

For versions in other languages, i.e. Greek, Italian, Slovenian, Swedish and Norwegian please refer to the corresponing language page of the present website.